Business Network
Membership website
Check out how quickly you can get up and running
An integrated website and membership portal for more than 1000 members.
Do you need to migrate an existing website and offline database into a secure, online service? Choose Memba. It's easy to streamline your entire operation and make huge time savings by taking this step. One of the key features that Memba offers is the ability to add custom fields to member profiles. You can also switch off the features you don't want to use or turn them on later, for example the member forum and directory.
Document management & reporting
Different membership organisations have different requirements but Memba's flexibility means you can use the features which work for you, at no extra cost. Need to share documents with your members? Upload and share documents easily as well as report on member subscriptions and renewals. With Memba, features work seamlessly together.
Create, promote and manage your events
Create and manage large events like an annual conference as easily asregular online meetings and then choose who to promote the event to and when. You can also create special interest groups (smart groups), adding members into specific segments and sharing specific messages around a shared interest.